Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Post #2 for today:
(I am at a cafe with free internet, and I don't know when that will happen again.)

I just walked past Old Town Square, which is decked out with a big screen broadcasting the World Cup. As I entered the festivities, Mexico scored a goal on Portugal (I think... although there were no fans from the opposing team, so I couldn't be sure). The entire crowd broke out into song and dance! There were probably about 40 people wearing green shirts and sumbraros with Mexican flags painted on their faces. Afterwards, they started shouting "Si, se puede!" (a phrase I associate only with Cesar Chavez). The Czech Republic is one of the most xenophobic places I have ever been, and so it was unbelievable to see such a large international crowd (and mostly Mexican crowd) invading the center of Prague. Pretty awesome.

Tomorrow begins my journey to nature. My former academic advisor, a cronic worst case senario day-dreamer, has warned me about ticks and Lyme Disease, and other dangers in nature. She wants me to get a vaccine, but I am going to resort to deet and daily tick removal. If those of you reared in nature have any suggestions, please let me know.


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